A film adaptation – a translation or montage?
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adaptacja filmowa
operacje retoryczne
przekład lingwistyczny
przekład intersemiotyczny

How to Cite

Wysłouch, S. (2014). A film adaptation – a translation or montage?. Przestrzenie Teorii, (22), 223–227. https://doi.org/10.14746/pt.2014.22.13


This article presents arguments against some of the ideas presented in Marek Hendrykowski’s paper Adaptacja jako przekład intersemiotyczny [Adaptation as intersemiotic translation] („Przestrzenie Teorii” [Space of Theory] no. 20 (2013). The author challenges two assumptions: 1) the list of translation operations which was proposed by Hendrykowski and which she considers to be heterogeneous: these operations are performed either on a text’s surface (rhetorical operations) or in its deep structure (transaccentuation, compression and amplification); and 2) the concept of adaptation which is understood as montage, since the idea of montage restricts the issue of translation to compositional activities and isolates it from sources of hermeneutic and cognitive inspiration.
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