Herbert in a hermeneutic network
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Zbigniew Herbert

How to Cite

Legeżyńska, A. (2014). Herbert in a hermeneutic network. Przestrzenie Teorii, (22), 276–286. https://doi.org/10.14746/pt.2014.22.17


The author of this article discusses several books that were written by Artur Grabowski, a Cracow poet, critic and researcher who is an expert in the theory of poetry, theater, drama and contemporary art, by focusing on his latest book Herbert-Hermes. Konteksty nowoczesności w esejach, dramatach i wierszach Zbigniewa Herberta [Herbert-Hermes: The Contexts of Modernity in Zbigniew Herbert’s Essays, Dramas and Poems] (The Jagiellonian University Press, Cracow 2013). This book represents an original attempt at situating Herbert’s essays, selected poems and a drama (Jaskinia filozofów [The Cave of Philosophers]) in the context of interpretive, hermeneutic practice which is treated quite loosely, and it has been highly favorably reviewed. The author of the present article draws attention to the erudition and inventiveness of Artur Grabowski, who has managed to start a new thread of research on Herbert’s work, but she also challenges ideas presented in certain passages of the book.
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