The article is an attempt to look at all the achievements of the Polish filmmaker – Jerzy Kucia – through the prism of his last work, Strojenie instrumentów/Tuning the Instruments (2000). The author points out that all the director’s previous projects, starting with the debut of 1972 Powrót/Return until Refleksy/Reflections from 1979 through Przez pole/By the field from 1992, showed a very clear development of the creative personality of the artist, who claimed that the “close up” on their own topics is the result of heightened self-awareness and is a great effort to promote himself again and again. In the analysis of the film Strojenie instrumentów/Tuning the Instruments, the author refreshes old and new contexts of interpretation, coupled with the commitment issue, which is a metaphorical return to the past. A question about the essence of the functioning of consciousness leads the author to delve into the phenomenological concept that we find in contemporary theories of psychology of perception.References
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M. Giżycki, Jerzy Kucia – między jawą a snem, [w:] tegoż, Nie tylko Disney. Rzecz o filmie animowanym, Warszawa 2000, s. 71-77.
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M. Lebecka, Refleksy rzeczywistości, wywiad z Jerzym Kucią, „Film & TV, Kamera” 2009, nr 2, s. 10. Autorka tej rozmowy nazwała Jerzego Kucię „Bressonem animacji”.
W. Stróżewski, Dialektyka twórczości, Kraków 2007.
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