The captivating power of ekphrasis (on the struggle of word and picture in W.J.T. Mitchell’s views)
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W. J. T. Mitchell

How to Cite

Swoboda, B. (2011). The captivating power of ekphrasis (on the struggle of word and picture in W.J.T. Mitchell’s views). Przestrzenie Teorii, (16), 41–50.


The article – in its first part titled The space of theory – brings a discussion and interpretation of the theoretical views concerning ekphrasis formulated by W.J.T. Mitchell in the essay Ekphrasis and the Other. The second part of the article – The space of practice and the space of picture – aims to make an attempt at a practical application of Mitchell's theoretical postulates. To the reading in the spirit of his theoretical considerations is submitted the description of Jean-Baptiste Greuze’s picture A Girl with a Dead Canary, which we find in Denis Diderot's Salon 1765.
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