Ambiguous charm of mystery. Secrets of hypertexts reading
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non-sequential narrative
text coherence
multiple reading

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Winiecka, E. (2023). Ambiguous charm of mystery. Secrets of hypertexts reading. Przestrzenie Teorii, (38), 192–218.


The article discusses the phenomenon of multiple reading of literary hypertexts. The construction of electronic hypertext is conducive to creating uncertainty and generates both: story and structural puzzles. The author on the example of the afternoon. a story by Michael Joyce discusses the characteristics of this type of literary works, which by involving the reader in the process of creating the course of the plot, put him before new challenges. Hypertext multiplies questions and riddles, plays with suspense as a ploy that promises a solution, and delays the fulfillment of the promise indefinitely. At the same time, it refers to solutions known from twentieth-century experimental novels.
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