For the Theater of the Future. The Forgotten Sources of Italian Performance Studies
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Corrado Pavolini
Silvio D’amico
performance studies theory
pre-history of Italian performance studies
Italian popular theater

How to Cite

Woźniak-Shukur, K. (2023). For the Theater of the Future. The Forgotten Sources of Italian Performance Studies. Przestrzenie Teorii, (38), 375–385.


Italian theater studies in 20th century focused on the theater as the art of staging a dramatic text and it’s analysis. Over the past decade, theater anthropology and performance studies make their way among these relics of the past century slowly but effectively, and the sources of the Italian performance studies are indicated in the 1960s and 1970s. Meanwhile, the interest of Italian researchers in restored behavior is reflected in texts published in-between the two world wars. The subject of the analysis are two texts by Corrado Pavolini who we consider to be a precursor of Italian performance studies.
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Bragaglia A.G., Storia del teatro popolare romano, Seconda edizione aumentata (Prima edizione 1947 sotto il titolo Maschere romane), Roma 1958 (korzystałam z egzemplarza nieprzeznaczonego do dystrybucji z 1958 roku).

D’Amico S., Introduzione, [w:] Storia del teatro drammatico, t. I. Greci e Roma Medioevale, red. idem, Milano 1950.

Pavolini C., Lo spettacolo teatrale, Siena 1944.

Pavolini C., Per un teatro di domani, [w:] Storia del teatro italiano, red. S. D’Amico, Milano 1936, s. 347–369.

Pavolini C., Taccuino teatrale, [w:] idem, Lo spettacolo teatrale, Siena 1944, s. 141–148.

Pirandello L., Introduzione al teatro italiano, [w:] Storia del teatro italiano, red. S. D’Amico, Milano 1936, s. 3–29.

Storia del teatro italiano, red. S. D’Amico, Milano 1936.

Thinking the Theatre. New Theatrology and Performance Studies. Atti del convegno internazionale di studi Torino, 29–30 maggio 2015, red. G. Guccini, A. Petrini, Dipartimento delle Arti e ALMADL, Bologna 2018, (dostęp: 14.06.2022).

Woźniak K., Teatr ludowy PRL jako przedmiot badań komparatystycznych. Zarys problematyki, [w:] Sperimentare ed esprimere l’italianità. Aspetti letterari e culturali, red. T. Kaczmarek, D. Kobylska, K. Kowalik, S. Cavallo, Łódź 2021, s. 175–184.