A Longing for Humanity. Dehumanisation in the Music of the Video Game Cyberpunk 2077
Journal cover Przestrzenie Teorii, no. 39, year 2023
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video games

How to Cite

Bonikowski , T. (2023). A Longing for Humanity. Dehumanisation in the Music of the Video Game Cyberpunk 2077. Przestrzenie Teorii, (39), 121–139. https://doi.org/10.14746/pt.2023.39.6


Video games are often analysed as textual objects. This default literary point of view, while providing valuable conclusions, fails to observe some essential points that are realised in different modes of narration. Here I will analyse the Cyberpunk 2077 video game from a musical perspective. I will be “listening to” the game rather than “reading” it. This kind of hermeneutical approach will highlight certain ideas of CP2077. I will focus on the issue of dehumanisation, and show that musically the game places special emphasis on this. I will point out the musical characteristics that can affect players and interpret the rationale behind it.

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