The paper is a research report aimed at explaining the influence of parents’ behavior related to the upbringing of the surveyed university students on their self-control. The article raises the issue of academic youth, but narrows it down to their self-control, so important in the process of identity formation. The results of the conducted research are addressed primarily to parents and educators. The first part of the article emphasizes the importance of self-control in building a human identity, it also presents the basic concepts of the discussed issues. For the purposes of this article, appropriate research was carried out to explain the impact of upbringing mistakes made by the parents of the researched students on individual dimensions of their self-control. The causal relationship between upbringing mistakes and self-control factors was determined in the causal model of the studied phenomenon and derived from the path analysis. The text ends with an interpretation of the obtained results, as well as conclusions from the outcomes of the conducted research.
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Prawa autorskie (c) 2022 Zofia Remiszewska
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