‘Let’s play a game’ – inclusive education in the Pierre Bourdieu’s illusio space
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inclusive education
educational ideologies
Pierre Bourdieu
social field

How to Cite

Kołodziejczak, K., & Sajdak-Burska, A. (2023). ‘Let’s play a game’ – inclusive education in the Pierre Bourdieu’s illusio space. Yearbook of Pedagogy, 45, 57–70. https://doi.org/10.14746/rp.2022.45.4


The article describes planned research on the practice of inclusive education in Poland in 2022-2023. The theoretical basis of the research are educational ideologies and concept of society. The article describes the proposed research method. A qualitative study will be conducted. The research problem of proposed study is answering the question of what an inclusive education space looks like. The aim of the research is to critically analyze the functioning of inclusive classes in the area of ​​school education, which will result in describing the reality and mechanisms present in inclusive education. The research will be positioned in the interpretative paradigm. There was created the category matrix for the critical analysis of discourse which is related to inclusive education. This matrix may be helpful for describing what meanings are given to the elements of the educational process (goals based on an axiological basis, methods, content, methods of control and evaluation).

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