On the need for re-interpretation (and not only) of some concepts of territorial self-government tasks and competencies
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territorial self-government
municipal economy
economic activity
public utility
own tasks
commercial companies

How to Cite

Stec, M. (2017). On the need for re-interpretation (and not only) of some concepts of territorial self-government tasks and competencies. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 79(3), 33–47. https://doi.org/10.14746/rpeis.2017.79.3.4

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Among the many issues of territorial self-government law whose interpretation leads to much controversy, one of the main ones is the scope, size and instruments used in business performance of a territorial self-governing unit operating as a business entity. What raises particular doubts is the concept of ‘municipal economy’ and inseparably bound to it concept of ‘public utility’. Both have so far been interpreted based on the grammatical and semantic rules. This interpretation has turned out obsolete as it fails to meet the needs of today, and more specifically, the tasks of the contemporary territorial self-government. It even renders performance of certain functions of a self-governing unit impossible, particularly that of a creator of municipal or regional policy and that of its main executor in the capacity of the development manager. Hence the need to use other methods of interpretation, particularly the functional one and the systemic one. However, to eliminate the doubts arising from the interpretation of the two concepts completely, it will be necessary to adopt new normative solutions in the form of relevant amendments to the law on the political system or a new law on municipal economy.
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