Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia
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metropolitan association
territorial self-government
Silesian voivodship

How to Cite

Dolnicki, B., & Marchaj, R. (2017). Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 79(3), 73–89.

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The adoption of the Act of 9 March 2017 on the Metropolitan Association of Upper Silesia crowned the long process of creating legal regulations governing the functioning of a metropolis. In the Act a reference is made to a ‘metropolitan association’ which may in practice lead to a confusion due to its semantic similarity to the term ‘municipal association’. A metropolitan association is not a municipal association in the understanding of the laws of self-governing units. It is not permissible either to apply to it provisions governing associations between municipalities, powiats or gminas. It is a new institution of a territorial self-government which will not, however, have any substantial impact on the existing territorial division within the Upper-Silesia Agglomeration.
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