The ‘remunicipalisation’ of tasks in the sphere of municipal economy
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public tasks
municipal economy
energy law
energy infrastructure
electrical energy supply

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Lissoń, P. (2017). The ‘remunicipalisation’ of tasks in the sphere of municipal economy. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 79(3), 133–147.

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One of the tendencies recently observed in the sphere of municipal economy is a gradual resignation by units of territorial self-government from co-operation with private entities on joint projects involving realisation of public tasks. Likewise, where there is an opportunity to choose between private and private-public forms of activity, the tendency is to opt for a publicprivate form and method to complete the task. A constant increase in the scope of public tasks vested in territorial self-governing units can also be noted. Such tendencies are observed not only in Poland but in other countries as well, notably in Germany where legal scholars have lately devoted a considerable amount of time to studying the phenomenon which they call different names including remunicipalisation and republicisation (meaning returning public tasks to public bodies) of public tasks. It seems that similar names can be given to such research undertaken in Poland. Examples from such remunicipalisation of public tasks in the field of electrical-engineering have been given.
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