Single-member constituencies in municipalities: local leader parties and the new election rules
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local election
single-member constituency

How to Cite

Flis, J., & Stolicki, D. (2017). Single-member constituencies in municipalities: local leader parties and the new election rules. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 79(3), 253–266.

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This article analyses the results of the implementation of the new role for a single mandatory constituency in the local election law in Poland. The investigation shows how the new role changes the balance of power between local leader parties and their competitors. It leads to a conclusion that parties holding power have explicit supremacy which is, however, of a complicated and conditional nature. The change of the voting system has strengthened this supremacy but its extend varies from municipality to municipality and is not present in all. The statistical analyses conducted for the purpose of this article have been based on the data contained in tables and graphs presenting the results of local elections in Poland in 2010 and 2014.
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National Science Centre Research Grant no. DEC- 2014/13/B/HS5/00862


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