The impact of the Paris Agreement on the change in the framework for climate and energy policy of the European Union and its legal regulations
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climate changes
Paris Agreement
climate and energy policy

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Sobieraj, K. (2017). The impact of the Paris Agreement on the change in the framework for climate and energy policy of the European Union and its legal regulations. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 79(4), 177–190.

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The Paris Agreement to the United Nations Framework Convention on climate change became a direct incentive to The EU 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policy adoption. The contributions of the EU and Member States to the fulfilment of commitments stemming from the Paris Agreement were defined the EU 2030 Framework for Climate and Energy Policy. The Paris agreement has also initiated the review process of European Union legislation and submission of proposals for a discussion aimed at amending EU law in order to fulfil the Paris Agreement commitments. Thus, the aim of the study is to present the impact of the Paris Agreement on EU climate an energy policy and to analyse the main directions of proposed amendments of EU law regulations aimed at implementing the global commitments that the EU made in Paris in December
2015. It is also an attempt to assess these proposals. The new EU provisions will in the long term become a directional determinant for national regulations.
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