Assessment of the damage suffered as a result of an infringement of the agreed scope of the use of an image in advertising purposes
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Judgment of the Warsaw Court of Appeal of 27 July 2014
VI ACa1657/13
right to an image
right to an economic use of an image
use of an image for advertising purposes
unjust enrichment
infringement of a right to an image

How to Cite

Grzeszak, T. (2015). Assessment of the damage suffered as a result of an infringement of the agreed scope of the use of an image in advertising purposes. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 77(2), 47–60.

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Number of downloads: 357


This article presents the evolution of the Polish case law concerning protection of an image in the event of a breach of contract regarding the time and place of the use of an image. So far, courts in Poland have only awarded compensation for the personal injury. Recently, the Warsaw Court of Appeal (29.07.2014, VI ACa 1657/13) awarded damages in the amount corresponding to remuneration owed for an unconsented use (lucrum cessans) of an image. The most important statement of the Court concerns the qualification of this payable sum being due for an enrichment at the expense of the depleted. This means that the Court recognised a possibility of unjust enrichment at the expense of a person entitled to the right of an image being a subject of a personal right. The article deals with consequences of this recent judgment for the perception of
this right as a personal right with economic value, but not as a property right. It is suggested that the right to use an image in advertising should be treated as a publicity right (property right).
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