The unconditional basic income as an instrument for reducing income inequalities
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basic income
income inequality
economic policy

How to Cite

Misztal, P. (2018). The unconditional basic income as an instrument for reducing income inequalities. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 80(2), 171–182.

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The unconditional basic income is the income allotted to all members of society individually, without them having to provide work instead. The right to this income and its level are unconditional and independent of the size and structure of households. In addition, unconditional income is paid regardless of the citizens’ income from other sources. The aim of this paper was to conduct a theoretical and empirical analysis of the unconditional basic income, with particular emphasis on the genesis and effects of the implementation of such a mechanism. The research methods used in the paper have been based on literature presenting studies in macroeconomics and economic policy as well as on the data obtained using statistical and descriptive methods published by the
Organisation for Economic Co-operation and Development.
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