Two debates concerning the amount of financial awards in sport are a starting point for the presented paper. One of them concerns the Solidarity marathon of 2010, and the other the decision of equalizing the prize money during Roland Garros and Wimbledon tennis competitions in 2007. Based on both debates, I amtrying to answer two questions: (i) what is the prize money a reward for or, more generally, what are the rules of rewarding in sports and (ii) whether the rules of rewarding are just and fair from the point of view of the equality of the genders. I am also considering how these rules fit to the discourse of the sexual difference sanctioned, in the case of sport, by the differences of biological nature. In the paper I refer to both, i.e., the phenomena shaping contemporary sport (commercialisation and medialisation), and the theoretical conceptions (such as Rawls’ theory of justice), or the already classical article by Jane English ‘Equity Sex in Sports’ published in 1978.References
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