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cultural defence
penal law

How to Cite

Kleczkowska, A. (2012). THE ROLE OF ‘CULTURAL DEFENCE’ IN CRIMINAL JURISDICTION. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 74(2), 71–84.

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The phenomenon of multiculturalism has its reflection in the growing importance of the concept of ‘cultural defence’ which is present in criminal jurisdiction. It means that a court will take into account the defendant’s cultural roots that might have influenced his behaviour. The debate in a courtroom regarding such cultural arguments touches upon the dogmatic as well as practical issues. While deliberating matters in which the ‘cultural defence’ appears, courts should first and foremost rule if the defendant can refer to such motivation of his actions at all. Next, the court must decide how to account for the cultural factor: whether as the cause for insanity, error facti, or error concerning the ignorance of law, etc. Agreeing upon both the facts of the case and fair assessment of the action may be a difficult task under the present legal system. It is also important not to allow to use ‘cultural defence’ against women’s rights. Codifying crimes with cultural basis may turn out impossible to achieve. Therefore, when carrying out proceedings, organs of the administration of justice should remember about the cultural background of certain crimes.
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