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long term care
institutional change
intergenerational solidarity
society ageing

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Łuczak, P., & Orczyk, J. (2012). ECONOMIC CONDITIONS OF CHANGES IN THE FORMS OF INTERGENERATIONAL SOLIDARITY. THE CASE OF LONG-TERM CARE IN POLAND. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 74(3), 203–216.

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The issue of a long-term care has not become, as yet, a focal point of any debate on social policy in Poland. However, a major shift of interest in this subject has been noted lately, which has also manifested itself in the parliamentary work and the draft preliminary legislation concerning the matter. This paper discusses the draft law on long-term care with reference to the theoretical concept of intergenerational solidarity. The main dilemmas connected with the reform of social policy have been enumerated and some light has been shed on the practical economic problems of its implementation.
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