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protection of competition
dominant position
abuse of a dominant position

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Kosiński, E., & Wojtczak, D. (2012). ADMISSIBILITY AND MEANS OF RELATIVISATION OF THE PROHIBITION OF THE ABUSE OF A DOMINANT POSITION IN POLAND. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 74(4), 107–122.

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First, the paper presents two basic models of the competition law regulation: a system based on prohibition and a system based on so-called control of abuse, and their historical development internationally. In principle, the model based on the prohibition principle relies on an absolute prohibition of certain practices that restrain competition (per se). The other model relies on ex ante state control of the economic activity, with the state’s intervention into this activity when the competition on the market is distorted, hindered or threatened. In the system based on prohibition it is necessary to develop certain mechanisms that will make prohibitions relative. This necessity arises from the economic as well as socio-political circumstances. The legal means of relativisation may be divided into measures used in advance (ex ante) and measures used subsequently (ex post).Neither Polish nor European Competition Law provides for the possibility of making the prohibition of the abuse of a dominant position relative ex ante, therefore relativisation is feasible only by acts of the application of law by the state competition authorities, or relevant courts. The paper identifies axiological grounds for relativisation, and describes its different legal means which include, inter alia, all judicial doctrines. Some of those doctrines have foundations in the historical application of the prohibition of an abuse of a dominant position, while introducing some others seems to require a legislative action. Accordingly, certain solutions de lege ferenda are proposed.
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