The impact of the ageing population on technical progress
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technological progress
GDP growth rate
growth theory
economic growth
demographic structure

How to Cite

Skorupka, A. (2018). The impact of the ageing population on technical progress. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 80(3), 149–165.

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The article analyses the relation between the ageing of society and technical progress, which seems to be a particularly important subject in the view of the inevitability of changes in the demographic structure and the latest analyses of the impact of this phenomenon on labour productivity. On the basis of the results of empirical studies, forecasts of the GDP growth rate for
Europe have been revised, taking into account this correlation. It appears that the existence of dependencies lowers this indicator significantly. Moreover, the analysis of the time series of macroeconomic aggregates has shown that a change in the demographic structure may have a severe impact not only on the long-term trend but also on the course of economic cycles. Furthermore, the article extends the classic model of overlapping generations in such a way as to reflect the impact of population ageing on technical progress. It has been shown that the impact of the modification is far greater than the impact of merely taking into account the slowdown resulting from demographic trends.
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