Radical simplification of tax law based on Paul Kirchhof’s concept
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tax law
tax law reform
tax code
tax law simplification
income tax
inheritance tax
turnover tax
excise tax
Paul Kirchhof

How to Cite

Wróblewski, B. P. (2014). Radical simplification of tax law based on Paul Kirchhof’s concept. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 76(1), 91–104. https://doi.org/10.14746/rpeis.2014.76.1.8

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The paper deals with Paul Kirchhof’s concept of simplification of tax law, presented in the book Bundessteuergesetzbuch: Ein Reformentwurf zur Erneuerung des Steuerrechts (Federal tax code: proposal of a reform to renewing tax law, 2011). It was drafted as an attempt to find a solution to the generally recognised but prevailing weaknesses of contemporary tax systems, as well as repeated voices demanding their substantial reforms. Although the Federal tax code was intended for German use, Paul Kirchhof ’s proposal was more ambitious. His concept of simplification of tax law could also be implemented in other countries, and, at least partly, in tax regulations of the European Union law. The aim of this paper is to present Paul Kirchhof ’s main assumptions and premises, as well as basic regulations of the proposed new tax. In place of thirty different taxes existing under present German tax law Kirchhof proposed only four: income tax, gift and inheritance tax, turnover tax and excise tax. Additionally he significantly reduced the number of exemptions, exceptions and specific regulations. As a result, out of the previous more than 50,000 articles of the existing tax regulations, the proposed tax code contains only 237. This paper is the first one in Polish legal doctrine literature that addresses Kirchhof ’s concept, and
contains its positive evaluation. It is stressed that it may well serve as a model for over-active legislator and become an inspiration for reforms of tax systems in the modern world. Its implementation, however, might be difficult, because it requires first the lasting acceptance by legal doctrine, political parties, as well as the public opinion.
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