Judicial approach to tax avoidance in Germany
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tax law
tax avoidance
German tax system
comparative law

How to Cite

Szczepański, J. (2014). Judicial approach to tax avoidance in Germany. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 76(1), 105–118. https://doi.org/10.14746/rpeis.2014.76.1.9

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The paper focuses on the issue of anti-tax avoidance regulation in the German legal system and the important role of judicial decisions in the general discussion on this topic. The position of the legal doctrine as well as the general anti-abuse rule addressing the tax-avoidance problem, currently in force in Germany, are presented. This is followed by an analysis of the decisions delivered by the last instance finance and tax tribunal Bundesfinanzhof, including the so called Gesamtplanrechsprechung which presents, in detail, views and opinions of German courts regarding combatting tax avoidance practices. Such a structure of the paper aims to serve as comparative material and a voice in the discussion on the ways of tackling tax avoidance.
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