Contract for a safe deposit box under French law
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contract for a safe deposit box
contract for a bank safe deposit box
contract for a hire of a safe deposit box
bank’s contractual liability
inadmissible clauses
clauses exempting/limiting bank’s liability
bank’s liability
power of attorney

How to Cite

Budzinowska, M. (2014). Contract for a safe deposit box under French law. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 76(1), 133–146.

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Polish law contains no provision governing a contract for a safe deposit box. What is more, neither the doctrine, nor the judicial decisions seem to pay much attention to that type of contract. In France, however, problems that may arise out of such contracts (French: contrat de location de coffre-fort) have been for long recognised and addressed by courts and judges, resulting in a handful of judgments and decisions on the matter.

The deliberations in this paper focus of the main aspects of a contract for a safe deposit box under French law, such as entering into a contract for safe deposit, parties to a contract and their rights and obligations, the bank’s liability for non-performance or negligent performance of its obligation, or a power of attorney authorising an agent to use a safe deposit box.

It is concluded that in France, as well as in Poland, both parties are  responsible for drafting a contract which is, nevertheless, based on the regulations developed by the bank. For practical reasons, it is extremely vital to precisely determine the rights and obligations of both parties, and the extent of bank’s liability, in particular. Thus a contract for a safe deposit box should ensure the best possible protection of the party using a safe deposit box, while the main theoretical issue, although also with practical application, is that of determination of the legal nature of a safe deposit contract.
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