Changes in ownership relationships in Poland after 1989
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structural/systemic transformation
ownership transformations
private property
state-owned assets
economic freedom
mass privatisation programme
foreign capital
Agency for Agricultural Property of the State Treasury
owners claims
return of property

How to Cite

Łaszkiewicz, K. H. (2014). Changes in ownership relationships in Poland after 1989. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 76(2), 55–75.

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This paper presents structural changes that took place in Poland after 1989, and which enabled its transition from a centrally planned economy to a market economy. The deep and thorough legal, economic and social reforms undertaken in that period made it possible, after years of communist rule, to shape a new, democratic system. The systemic transformation was possible
owing to some basic amendments to the Constitution, including the articles defining the essence of ownership and the duty to respect it, as well as the adoption of other legal acts necessary to re-define ownership relationships (such as the law on commercialisation and privatisation of state-owned enterprises, or the law on the management of agricultural property). The concurrent reforms of the banking system and the monetary and credit policy enabled inflow of foreign capital and development of private entrepreneurship. As a result of the transformations of the past 25 years, Poland is now a democratic state and a member of the European Union, while Polish economy is getting increasingly competitive. Sadly enough, despite these substantial structural transformations in the ownership sphere, in the last quarter of the century Poland has continued to be unable to resolve the problem of returning to the lawful owners the property taken by the communist regime.
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