Does Poland need a new civil code?
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civil law
implementation of the European Union law
adjudication on the basis of principles of law

How to Cite

Kępiński, M. (2014). Does Poland need a new civil code?. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 76(2), 237–244.

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This article is a polemics with opinions expressed in legal literature and practice that argue that there is no need for drafting a new Polisch civil code. The author claims that the frequent the amendments to the civil code that have been made after the structural transformation in the 1990s have brought about such substantial changes that it no longer fulfils the requirements of a one and complete regulation of the entirety of civil law relations. The amendments implemented in response to the current needs have practically led to de-codification of the Civil Code matter. What is more, the current Code lacks necessary modifications needed to include in it new legal solutions and ideas. This is true, in particular, of consumer law and professional contracts. The practice of law cannot be merely based on precedents, or general principles of law as it would be contrary to the traditions of Polish civil law. A modern, up-to-date code would also facilitate implementation of the European Union law into the system of Polish private law.
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