Sanity and psychopath’s guilt in light of the evolutionary concepts of the origin of psychopathy
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criminal responsibility

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Małecki, M., & Zyzik, R. (2014). Sanity and psychopath’s guilt in light of the evolutionary concepts of the origin of psychopathy. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 76(3), 161–174.

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In the paper a thesis that psychopathy can be understood as a stable evolutionary strategy has been presented. We believe that this view may generate implications for criminal law, especially in the sphere of criminal responsibility. We propose a thesis that traditional understanding of legal insanity is not an adequate tool to assess the criminal actions of psychopaths. Moreover, the application of security measures may be de lege lata impossible. However, natural-born psychopaths can be isolated according to the provisions of the statue on proceedings against persons with mental disorders.
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