Microfinance vs interest rates of credit products addressed to low income citizens
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interest rates

How to Cite

Adamek, J. (2014). Microfinance vs interest rates of credit products addressed to low income citizens. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 76(3), 251–260. https://doi.org/10.14746/rpeis.2014.76.3.17

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The discussion on the condition of contemporary finance is focused on many issues among which a particular emphasis is put on the access conditions to microfinance services, including interest rates of loans and credit products. The belief that interest rates of credits offered to lowincome borrowers should be ‘attractive’ to allow them to benefit from loans stands in direct opposition to the concept that interest rates must be calculated at a level that will predominantly ensure continuity and stability of the functioning of a microfinance institution, even in a situation when it is necessary to apply high prices of financial services, frequently exceeding the levels specified for interest rates of credits/loans offered by traditional financial intermediaries. These conflicting views create space for the discussion presented in this article, the objective of which is to identify and analyse the determinants of a microloan interest rate from the theoretical as well as practical dimension, and to present the author’s own comments referring to the above subject matter.
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