The concept of Index for the Assessment of Regulations' Significance (IARS) in regulatory impact evaluation


regulatory impact assessment
ex-post evaluation
index for the assessment of regulations’ significance
parliamentary scrutiny

How to Cite

Marchewka-Bartkowiak, K. (2019). The concept of Index for the Assessment of Regulations’ Significance (IARS) in regulatory impact evaluation. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 81(2), 177–190.

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This article aims to present the concept of the Index for the Assessment of Regulations’ Significance as a tool used in parliamentary regulatory impact assessment, with a special focus on expost assessment. The Index is an element of the broadly defined economic analysis of law, which can facilitate a more effective scrutiny of parliamentary lawmaking. The Index also enables the
RIA (Regulatory Impact Assessment) to be verified by the act originator at the stage of the ex-ante regulatory impact assessment. Furthermore, the Index can also serve as a tool for conducting an analysis of the overall legislation process employed in parliament over a given period of time, on the basis of the adopted legal and substantive criteria.


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