Integrated programming in national development


public policy development; socio-economic cohesion; integrated approach; planning; programming; coordination; public law

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Kokocińska, K. (2019). Integrated programming in national development. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 81(4), 139–149.

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This paper focuses on the premises underlying the legal concept of the integrated development planning model. The author draws attention to external exigencies (resulting from EU policies and the provisions of EU legislation), as well as internal (national) circumstances which need to be taken into account when devising an integrated model for planning. It is underscored that an integrated approach means concentrating action geared towards the accomplishment of strategic development goals that constitute major objectives both for all entities of public authority in the country, that is, governmental and self-governmental tiers, as well as for social and economic partners. Also, the author highlights that an appropriately constructed mechanism of the integrated approach in national development programming should rely on integrating state efforts in the domain of strategic programming for development policy with horizontal and sectoral planning. The paper thus outlines the components of the legal mechanism of development-related programming that are intended to serve the formulation of the integrated approach as model solutions. The suggestions and conclusions advanced in the paper may contribute to an integrated paradigm of development programming that, when implemented, will make it possible to enhance the efficiency and effectiveness of the actions undertaken by public administration.


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