Prudential standards for the assessment of a mortgage borrower’s credit risk
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supervisory measures; banking; real estate lending

How to Cite

Michał Kruszka, & Marcin Wroński. (2019). Prudential standards for the assessment of a mortgage borrower’s credit risk. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 81(4), 205–219.

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The recent financial crisis revealed a significant link between the stability of the banking system and real estate lending. The aim of the article is to present the supervisory measures (in the narrow and in the broader sense) employed in banking as factors that can limit the demand for real estate lending. The study covers supervisory measures implemented in the European Economic Area countries. Supervisory instruments restricting the use of real estate as collateral for loans and instruments imposing income requirements on borrowers are discussed. Particular attention has been paid to the link between the priorities of financial market regulators in a given country and the international differentiation of the supervisory measures.
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