The legal status of the prosecutor in the proceedings before the State Tribunal
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State Tribunal
constitutional liability
Marshal of the Sejm

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Radajewski, M. (2020). The legal status of the prosecutor in the proceedings before the State Tribunal. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 82(1), 71–84.

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This article attempts to reconstruct legal regulations concerning the legal status of the prosecutor in proceedings before the State Tribunal. The reconstruction enables the legal nature of this function to be defined, as well as the procedural competences and rules for the appointment and circumstance resulting in the termination of tenure thereof. The analyses carried out concerning the legal nature of the prosecutor’s function lead to the conclusion that in the proceedings before the State Tribunal the prosecutor acts in their own name and thus is not a legal representative of Parliament. However, simultaneously the prosecutor’s function is not independent, as it is supervised by the appointing body. The author states that all the norms included in the Criminal Procedures Code pertaining to the public prosecutor apply thereto. However, the prosecutor must not drop the charges as this remains under the control of Parliament. Analyses on the appointment of the prosecutor allowed for the conclusion that the decision is to be made independently from the charges, whereas the Constitution does not require adopting resolutions with the absolute or qualified majority of votes. In relation to the termination of the prosecutor’s tenure, the author puts forward the thesis that it is possible for the prosecutor to be dismissed by Parliament at any time. The article is rounded off with considerations regarding the evaluation of statutory regulations on the investigated issue.
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