The problem of multiple repressive sanctions for not vaccinating a child from the perspective of effective implementation of the vaccination obligation
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mandatory preventive vaccination
criminal sanctions
administrative sanctions

How to Cite

Czechowicz, S. (2021). The problem of multiple repressive sanctions for not vaccinating a child from the perspective of effective implementation of the vaccination obligation. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 83(1), 37–46.

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The mandatory vaccination of children raises a lot of controversy in the public space. Anti-vaccination movements have been increasingly active in recent years. The aim of this article is to present the problem of sanctions with regard to mandatory vaccination of children, around which a lot of social and legal controversy has arisen. Sanctions used in connection with the evasion of the obligatory preventive vaccination of children in Poland are analysed. The essence of administrative sanctions in the case of mandatory vaccination of children is considered, as well as the transfer of the execution of this obligation to criminal courts. It is pointed out that absolute distinction has to be drawn between the scope of possibilities of applying administrative sanctions in the course of enforcement proceedings in administration and those provided for in the petty offences law. An analysis of normative acts and the literature on the subject as well as court decisions
concerning the presented problem is made. Using a dogmatic-legal method and an analysis of court rulings, it is established that the aim of the application of administrative-law sanctions may only be to compel a person to fulfil an obligation. On the other hand, penalties on the grounds of the petty offences law will be administered for the evasion of obligatory preventive vaccination of children in Poland.
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