Supervision measures for eliminating the defective decisions of municipal authorities – an evaluation of the adopted solutions in the light of the European Charter of Local Government
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local self-government
elimination of faulty decisions

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Ziemski, K. (2020). Supervision measures for eliminating the defective decisions of municipal authorities – an evaluation of the adopted solutions in the light of the European Charter of Local Government. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 82(4), 113–127.

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The democratic rule of law is a feature of local self-government corresponding to the presumptions defined in the European Charter of Local Self-Government (hereinafter: the Charter) Entrusting local self-governments with the performance of public tasks requires that they be subject to supervision to ensure the compliance of its activities with the law. According to the principle of proportionality, any interference with the activities of a self-government requires that the principle of freedom of execution be respected, which calls for the supervision to be restricted to the necessary extent. This paper analyses the compliance of Polish regulations on self-government with the Charter. Generally, the regulations stipulated in the Constitution of the Republic of Poland correspond to the requirements contained in the Charter. However, specific statutory solutions are not in full compliance with the rules specified in Article 8 of the Charter. The elimination of faulty decision from circulation is a measure aimed at ensuring the legality of the actions of a self-government. In the Polish regulations, the application of such measures is limited to infringements resulting in the invalidity of faulty acts. With the exception of budgetary resolutions, the possibility of commune or municipality bodies being able to take self-control measures in the event of infringements that required correction was eliminated, although this exists, for example, in German law. The possibility of applying supervisory measures adequate to the confirmed infringements was not provided. Similarly, the execution of all the aims of supervision was not ensured, in particular the full protection of an individual, or the commune or municipality itself, against the consequences of essential infringements of law by its respective bodies that do not result in invalidity.
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