Estimates of fiscal, investment and export multipliers in the Polish economy in 2005−2020
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pronciple of effective demand
fiscal multiplier
investment multiplier
export multiplier
JEL Codes: E0, E12, E20, E63

How to Cite

Derkacz, A. (2021). Estimates of fiscal, investment and export multipliers in the Polish economy in 2005−2020. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 83(1), 257–275.

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The mechanism of autonomous expenditure multipliers in modern economics is one of the most important issues. The reason for this is that it reveals how much GDP changes as a result of changes in autonomous expenditure. In this context, the main purpose of the work is to attempt to verify the method of estimating fiscal, investment and export multipliers. In addition, the author attempted to estimate the autonomous expenditure multipliers for the Polish economy in the period 2005–2020. To achieve the goal, the author uses a classic methodology based on the theory of total demand. In addition, the basic assumptions of the Keynesian economic model were adopted. The main inspiration for this work is the frequent claim that it is difficult to estimate the levels of import intensity in accordance with the adopted concept of total demand. That is why the author attempted to present a new concept of import distribution. This allowed the  calculation of autonomous expenditure multipliers in the short term. Based on the described method, the author made detailed estimates of fiscal, investment and export multipliers for Poland in the analysed period.
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