Labeling non-GMO foods in the Polish food law scheme
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food law
labeling of food

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Kowalska, A., & Kowalski, J. (2020). Labeling non-GMO foods in the Polish food law scheme. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 82(2), 213–228.

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The research problem addressed in this work is the labeling of GMO-free food. The main aim of the paper is to determine the essence of food and feed labeling regarding the use of GMO. An analysis of the Polish Act of 13 June 2019 on the Labeling of Products Produced without the Use of Genetically Modified Organisms, and thus being free from such organisms, is performed in the context of the EU food law. The following research methods were applied in the course of the
research: an analysis of national and EU legislation, an analysis of the subject literature, and an analysis of secondary documents (statements, reports). Food labeling provides a basis for consumers to make informed choices and is crucial for ensuring a high level of protection of human life, health, and socio-economic interests. The unification of information on the specificity of non-GMO products in the new law makes the message transparent and clear, which may have implications
for stronger confidence among business and consumers.
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