The importance of manufacturing in the economy nowadays depends on its international competitiveness and innovative activity, which allows the modernization of the material structure of production and improvement of the position in global value chains. The necessity to intensify efforts to improve the technological advancement of Polish manufacturing is an issue that regularly appears in the literature and business practice. The need to increase the capacity of Polish manufacturing to cope with global competition was also emphasized in the Strategia na rzecz Odpowiedzialnego Rozwoju (Strategy for Responsible Development) adopted by the Council of Ministers in 2017, in which the postulate of reindustrialization is one of the objectives. Bearing these conditions in mind, and the fact of regional diversity of the industrial potential in Poland, the aim of the article is to analyse the distribution of medium and high-tech manufacturing in the Polish economy. The study uses the method of critical literature analysis and statistical research. Based on a literature query, the idea of the territorialization of development and the role of manufacturing in the modern economy is presented. Regarding the diagnosis of the spatial distribution of manufacturing in Poland, the analysis of gross value added in the voivodeships system of division was used. The last part of the research focuses on the results of an empirical study which was carried out for the selected divisions of manufacturing in terms of changes in the number of entities and the level of employment. The results indicate an increase in the number of entities and a relatively constant employment level of technologically advanced divisions. The location quotient emphasizes the concentration of sold production of high- and medium-high-tech industries in the Dolnośląskie, Śląskie and Podkarpackie voivodeships.
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