Disease as a social phenomenon: an analysis of the fight against African swine fever
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African swine fever

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Mamzer, H. (2020). Disease as a social phenomenon: an analysis of the fight against African swine fever. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 82(2), 281–297. https://doi.org/10.14746/rpeis.2020.82.2.19

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African swine fever is undoubtedly an extremely dangerous disease for swine and boars. It also causes major economic loss. However, in Poland the fight against the disease seems to have been used as an of instrument of social engineering. The solutions introduced in Poland – such as the extermination of the population of wild boars – will not provide the expected level of biosecurity. Methods that are recommended by experts worldwide focus on biosecurity, but this measure is
not successfully enforced in Poland. A wider, socio-cultural analysis of how discourses related to ASFV and other diseases are used reveals that this is very complex phenomena.

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