On the importance of the traditional legal structure of local self-government in contemporary times
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public administration
local self-government
local self-government transformation
local self-government in the legal sense
local self-government in the political sense
social functions of local self-government
tasks of local self-government
supervision over local self-government

How to Cite

Niewiadomski, Z. (2020). On the importance of the traditional legal structure of local self-government in contemporary times. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 82(4), 35–47. https://doi.org/10.14746/rpeis.2020.82.4.4

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Until recently, the institution of local self-government has been studied in the legal sciences as a legal structure (a separate local community autonomously performing public administration functions). The fact that local government has embraced other functions applicable in contemporary times has resulted in a shift in research focus. New functions of self-government, going beyond public administration (acting for the common good and civil society), have come to the fore. These functions sometimes tend to become the main element in the definition of local self-government, weakening the existing main function of self-government in the legal sense (the exercise of public administration). This, in turn, creates the danger of self-government being treated as a purely political phenomenon, thus seeking to weaken the position of local self-government, in particular in authoritarian states ruled by populist parties.

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