Value relevance is a concept which states that book values influence the market valuation of a company, the share price, or their rates of return in subsequent periods. Most of the research conducted in this area is based on panel data, synthetically presenting trends observable for a group of companies. In the case of analyses carried out on the example of the Polish capital market, several can be distinguished relating to the empirical impact of profits and balance sheet data on market variables, as well as to the impact of the introduction of new accounting regulations on the degree of value relevance. The research usually ignores companies from the financial sector, but there are also analyses that focus specifically on a group of entities such as banks or insurance companies. In the framework of this study, the latter were taken into account. However, this study presents a different approach from most empirical studies, focusing on the financial data of 1 company from the insurance sector, PZU S.A. The analysis was performed with the use of linear regression models, based on the OLS and the Prais-Winsten method. Financial data from quarterly, semi-annual, and annual reports for 2009–2019 were used. The results of the research indicate that the share prices in the future are explained, in particular, by balance sheet data, mainly technical assets and provisions, and also by operating cash flows, technical result, and net premium. Several models are presented that can be considered useful, taking into account their statistical correctness and the compliance of parameter estimates with theoretical assumptions. This result also indicates the usefulness of research on the concept of value relevance in relation to individual entities.
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