The aim of this paper is to evaluate Polish agricultural law periodicals in comparison with their Western European counterparts. In particular, the evaluation takes into account the mission of the periodicals, their thematic scope, the layout and language of the texts published, and the circle of their addressees-readers. With consideration given to the length of time that such periodicals have been on the publishing market and their publication output, the Italian context is the first to be taken into account, before attention turns to German, French, and Spanish periodicals. The author concludes that agricultural law periodicals were established at different stages in the development of this branch of law. The oldest one (Rivista di Diritto Agrario) brought the name of this new normative matter into scientific circulation, and subsequently contributed to both the separation of agricultural law in the system of law and its further development. Other periodicals (Agrar- und Umweltrecht, Revue de Droit Rural and Revista de Derecho Agrario y Alimentrario) were established in the 1970s and 1980s, with a view to strengthening the science of agricultural
law and its influence on the practice of law-making and application. In this light, Polish agricultural law periodicals look somewhat inferior, as they are characterized by a short period of functioning on the publishing market. The future of the periodical Przegląd Prawa Rolnego (Agricultural Law Review), the only agricultural law journal in Poland, is under threat, due to the fact that authors now tend to submit articles on agricultural law to other, more highly-ranked journals.
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