Cooperation of central and self-government structures for the purpose of development
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development policies
comanagement of projects

How to Cite

Kokocińska, K. (2015). Cooperation of central and self-government structures for the purpose of development. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 77(3), 181–191.

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This paper is an analysis of legal instruments available for the strengthening of cooperation between central government and self-government structures. Such cooperation should be based on interrelated activities conducted by their respective executive bodies. When proposing new legal forms of activity in development policies, special focus should be put on strategies and programmes developed in the course of a properly conducted drafting and adoption process. The specific relationships in the implementation of development policy have resulted in the formation
of a relationship called a mechanism of modelling legal relationships. It is based on non-standard bilateral forms of collaboration carried out by public entities (a regional contract, territorial contract, and partnership contract) which are determined by the common public goal or purpose. These contractual forms of cooperation serve to delineate mutual relationships between bodies that are otherwise not bound by a hierarchical subordination relationship, but whose independence may, in effect of these contracts, be altered. Therefore the very essence underlying  comanagement of projects is a desire to achieve a certain purpose, but above all to do so with regard to the existing and law-induced regime of the contracting parties.
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