Proposal of amended provisions regulating the functioning of inter-commune associations
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the inter-commune association
local government
inter-municipality cooperation

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Kiełbus, M., & Kudra, A. (2015). Proposal of amended provisions regulating the functioning of inter-commune associations. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 77(3), 259–274.

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The subject of interest of this article is an evaluation of the proposed legal solutions for the cooperation of municipalities within an inter-commune association. Municipalities are increasingly turning to cooperation because an association allows them to increase the quality of services they provide, to reduce costs and to exchange experiences and knowledge. The current regulations make it difficult to form inter-commune association due to a number of interpretation questions.

Currently, the two draft acts on amendments to the principles of creation and functioning of inter-commune associations are being worked out in the Polish parliament. These proposals concern, among other things, the procedure for forming inter-commune associations, the competences of their bodies, or new forms of association between municipalities and poviats. Many of the proposed amendments go in the right direction. At the same time, many other proposals should be assessed critically, as they contain many errors and inaccuracies that may hinder the application of the new rules. The draft amendments lack many necessary legal solutions as well, such as, for example, the deadline for the tasks to be implemented.

The above findings indicate that future changes in regulations should be preceded by extensive discussions with representatives of different backgrounds. Only this will allow formulating a comprehensive diagnosis of the needs of the legislative amendments capable of supporting the idea of municipal cooperation, minimising at the same time the legal risks associated with its implementation.
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