Trust in self-government in Poland: an attempt at an evaluation
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local government
trust in government

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Wiśniewski, M. (2015). Trust in self-government in Poland: an attempt at an evaluation. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 77(3), 321–334.

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Trust in self-government is crucial for the effectiveness of the realisation of public tasks vested in self-government units. This article elaborates on trust in an authority, including a local authority. The most important part of the study is an attempt to assess the level of confidence in self-government in Poland. This confidence was measured in three ways: by analysing the results of public opinion polls, by investigating the turnouts in local elections, and by examining the credit ratings received by local government units. Each of the tests showed a systematic increase in confidence since the restoration of self-government in Poland in 1990.
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