Attentiveness and care: feminist plant studies
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critical plant studies
feminist studies
new materialisms

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Zamorska, M. (2022). Attentiveness and care: feminist plant studies. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 84(1), 197–212.

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The aim of the article is to track the contemporary theoretical practices that serve to re-establish the ‘plant contract’ and to situate these threads within the field of critical plant studies. The genealogy of this subject area, which has developed rapidly over the last two decades, should be sought in the paradigm of feminist studies. In this approach, critical reflection revealing semiotic and material forms of oppression towards plants is accompanied by attempts to develop reparative practices. The author traces the historical forms of depreciation of plant beings, both in theory
and philosophy and in political, social and economic practices. Key to her decisions are: defining the specific plant ‘subjectivity’, recognizing the material agency of plants, incorporating the principle of vegetation into biopolitical considerations, as well as considering the intersectional entanglements of plants in the context of colonial botany and seed politics. The author points out that in each of the discussed cases, the specificity of feminist plant studies is based on the recognition of the ontological and political status of the plant, which results in attentiveness and care. This care is focused on the visibility and well-being of specific, material and embodied plant beings that are distant relatives of the human species.
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