The prosecutor’s actions after filing a complaint against a decision to discontinue the proceedings
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pre-trial proceedings
evidentiary actions
right to court

How to Cite

Karlik, P. (2024). The prosecutor’s actions after filing a complaint against a decision to discontinue the proceedings. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 86(2), 203–214.

Number of views: 93

Number of downloads: 186


The study deals with the evaluation of the prosecutor’s action after the victim files a complaint against the decision to refuse to initiate or discontinue proceedings. As the current practice shows, here we meet a specific behaviour of a body, which, as a consequence, can lead to a significant violation of the procedural rights of the victim. The article provides a critical assessment of such action based on a thorough analysis of the regulations governing the functioning of the proceedings in this particular area. The filing of an appeal, in other words the submission of a procedural decision to appellate review, should petrify the evidentiary proceedings and exclude any procedural activity, without a prior decision to initiate proceedings as a result of the acceptance of the complaint. Otherwise, the meaning of judicial review is strongly undermined, and as a result, the right to a court is significantly restricted. The following discussion is intended to point out a problem that exists in practice and to draw attention to the negative consequences resulting from it. There is no doubt – as the analyses presented show – that the current situation must change.
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National Science Centre (Poland) agreement no. 2018/29/B/HS5/00185


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