Women’s marital naming choices in diachronic and synchronic dimensions
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Przybył, I., Kokociński, M., & Ziółkowska, M. (2024). Women’s marital naming choices in diachronic and synchronic dimensions. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 86(1), 241–264. https://doi.org/10.14746/rpeis.2024.86.1.13

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The article attempts a sociological analysis of the social phenomenon of women changing their surnames after marriage in Poland, based on data from 234 Civil Registry Offices in the Subcarpathian and Greater Poland voivodeships. The collected information covers the years 2000–2020 and illustrates over 343,000 choices made by women. The research aimed to determine the relationship between the type of surname decision and the locality where the marriage was concluded (population of the municipality; voivodeship), as well as the influence of women’s increased professional and social activity in recent decades on the variation in these decisions. Statistical analysis of the official data allows the conclusion that despite the persistently high tendency to adopt the husband’s surname, an emerging process can be observed, consisting of an approval of women choosing double-barreled surnames or keeping their maiden name. This study constitutes the first stage of ongoing and planned research on the negotiation and decision-making by women and men regarding the surname used after marriage and divorce.

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