Safety of bank deposits in light of Icelandic and Cypriot financial crisis experience – regulatory aspects
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deposit guarantee schemes
financial crisis
banking crisis

How to Cite

Frątczak, P. (2015). Safety of bank deposits in light of Icelandic and Cypriot financial crisis experience – regulatory aspects. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 77(4), 119–131.

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The main aim of the article is to analyse the safety of bank deposits both from the theoretical and practical perspective. Deposit guarantee schemes constitute an important part of the banking regulation. Deposit insurance is one of the instruments of crisis management. The starting point of the analysis is a brief description of the main regulatory themes relating to deposit insurance. The central part of this article focuses on anti-crisis measures undertaken by Iceland and Cyprus – two countries where the banking crisis reached an exceptional scale becoming the direct cause of a gross violation of the rights of depositors. A significant emphasis has been placed on the legal
issues arising from the decisions of the competent authorities, which were subsequently reviewed by appropriate courts of justice. The key issues relating to the deposit guarantee schemes have been raised in the analysis of legislative reforms undertaken at the EU level.
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