NewConnect market development in light of its organiser’s initial assumptions
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micro companies
small and medium-sized enterprises
primary listing

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Zygmanowski, P. (2016). NewConnect market development in light of its organiser’s initial assumptions. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 78(2), 217–230.

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The paper aims to answer a question whether the NewConnect market developed in 2007-2015 in line with the initial assumptions of its organiser regarding the type and the size of issuers. In the introduction the author has presented his main and secondary hypotheses. The first part of the article presents the theoretical basis of the impact of financial market development
on economic growth, as well as the premises of NewConnect’s foundation, its architecture and current listing criteria. The second part of the article contains the research result regarding the size of listed issuers and their type of business activity. The summary includes the author’s conclusions with regards to the hypothesis, as well as identification of areas that require further analysis.

The study allowed full realisation of the main objective. The results confirm the primary hypothesis, proving that NewConnect is a market for micro, small and medium-sized companies. The verification of the secondary hypothesis proved that NewConnect is a market for all types of companies and not only for innovative companies that base their business on intangible assets. The research results indicate that the NewConnect market in 2007-2015 only partially developed in line with the initial assumptions of its organiser regarding the type and the size of issuers.
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