Tax fraud and a crime of fraud under Polish and German law
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tax crime
tax fraud
common crime
fiscal crime
features of a prohibited act
concurrence of provisions

How to Cite

Sepioło-Jankowska, I. (2016). Tax fraud and a crime of fraud under Polish and German law. Ruch Prawniczy, Ekonomiczny I Socjologiczny, 78(3), 65–78.

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This article deals with tax fraud under German and Polish criminal law. Under German law this crime belongs to a small group of delicts which are threatened with punishment. However, in the German legal system, tax fraud is criminalised narrowly, contrary to the Polish solution. Under Polish law there is a separate legislative act covering several dozen infringements of public
finances which provides for penalisation of them all. This paper seeks to establish to what extent the features that amount to tax fraud under the Polish Criminal-Fiscal Code and German Tax Law relate to the features of a classical crime of fraud under the Polish and German criminal codes, respectively, and what are the consequences.
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